
by Joseph D. Klotz

By our grievous fault alone
Were we from perfection thrown;
Mercif'lly our sin atone!
Lord, have mercy!

Listening to Satan's voice,
Choosing to believe his ploys,
We, creation did destroy:

Adam first believed the Lie;
Turning from the Lord Most High;
By his dying all must die.
Sin's corruption.

Eternal Son takes human flesh;
Sinless did the two enmesh;
Our Rescue came by womb and creche;
Through the Virgin.

Not conceived by husband's will,
But by Holy Spirit's skill
Was made in her Immanuel:
God is with us.

From the stump of Jesse sprung,
Jesus, The Anointed One,
On the cross our ransom hung:

God was dead and in the tomb;
Raised to life, dispels the gloom
Of death; And He is coming soon.
Renewing all things.

Christ will raise me from the dead,
He has crushed the serpent's head;
Bride and Bridegroom will be wed;
New creation.

Christ, in glory, will return
Satan, sin, and death to spurn;
All the elements will burn.
Final judgment.

Everyone before Him now,
None His Lordship disavow;
Every knee on earth shall bow
In obeisance.

Father, who created earth;
Son, our gift of priceless worth;
Spirit, who does give us mirth.

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